Denver Health Residency in Emergency Medicine Alumni

As one of the oldest residencies in its specialty, the Denver Health Residency in Emergency Medicine has a large and diverse group of alumni. We want to ensure that our graduates remain connected to our program and to each other.
The Denver Health EM Alumni Association Fund
The Denver Health Emergency Medicine Alumni Association (DHEMAA) Fund is designed to allow alumni and friends of the Denver Health Residency in Emergency Medicine to support the residency and program. The primary purpose of this fund is two fold:
To foster professional networking for alumni, faculty, residents, and friends of the program
To foster support for resident educational and academic endeavors
The DHEMAA believes networking is a crucial aspect of opportunity and success in Emergency Medicine. As one of the oldest residencies in its specialty, the Denver Health Residency in Emergency Medicine has a large and diverse group of alumni. The diaspora of the residency’s alumni across the country and internationally requires a strong alumni association to ensure that our graduates remain involved in our program, stay connected to each other, and continue the Denver Legacy. This involvement and networking between the program, faculty, alumni, residents, and friends ensures our future as a premier residency in Emergency Medicine. As such, the DHEMAA Fund will foster these relationships by sponsoring local and national alumni events and receptions. Examples of this type of sponsorship include, but are not limited to, funding national conference alumni receptions, future plated dinners, and sponsoring local resident functions that engage residents and alumni. The DHEMAA also believes that the success of our current and future alumni is dependent on the clinical and academic success of our residency. The clinical success of our program has been time tested, built on a curriculum that develops strong clinical skills and outstanding work ethic. The academic success of our program has been to the credit of our faculty, alumni, and residents’ motivation to advance emergency medicine in the areas of administration, education, clinical care, and research. The DHEMAA recognizes that this success, specifically for residents, requires resources and opportunity which stem from financial support and networking. As such, the DHEMAA Fund will foster this academic success by providing financial resources to help residents participate in significant administrative, educational, and research endeavors. Examples of this type of sponsorship include, but are not limited to, funding resident attending national conferences, funding residents presenting academic projects at national conferences, and funding resident participation in research endeavors.
Update Your Alumni Contact Information
To update your DHREM Alumni contact information, please e-mail: lavonne.salazar@denverem.org